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PB Cash Management
Provides services to oversee your money with consolidated reports, flexible and individualized controls to make it convenient.
- Complete access to all your accounts anytime, anywhere, on any device.
- Your reports are available in a variety of file types.
- Keeps you up-to-date at your convenience.
PB Online Banking
With simplified sign up.
- Safe, secure access to your accounts 24/7.
- It complements your online lifestyle-fast, hassle free and always available.
PB Mobile Banking
- Your banking is as close as your phone.
- Deposit checks with your phone.
- Saves you time on the go by avoiding trips to the branch.
PB Money Market Accounts
With no minimum balance and enhanced interest rates.
- Enjoy a historically higher rate of return.
- Use checks, a debit card or ATM.*
- FDIC insured.
PB Certificates of Deposit
Including insured deposits over $250,000. Enhanced interest rates.
- A safe place for your money and an easy way to save.
- Fixed rates for fixed terms at a rate historically higher than most regular savings accounts.
PB Checking
An effective set of tools for managing your cash.
- No minimum balance.
- Incoming and Outgoing Domestic and Incoming International Wire Transfers without fees.
- Foreign ATM usage without a fee.
- Stop Payment without fees.
- Money orders and Bank Checks without a fee.
- A special check book cover for our PB clients.
Benefits extend to family members listed on the account!
* Accounts are subject to additional terms and conditions, and/or fees, and that mobile and online banking are subject to internet provider and data charges.